Sunday, July 7, 2024
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Morocco is celebrating the 20th birthday of Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, who is poised to be the next leader of the North African country. Born in Rabat on May 8, 2003, the Crown Prince is a polyglot who speaks Arabic, French, English, and Spanish fluently. He is currently enrolled in the Faculty of Governance and Economic and Social Sciences at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), where he aims to understand the complexities of modern governance and economic development.

As a representative of Morocco and its royal family, Prince Moulay El Hassan has been increasingly involved in public life, representing his country at various international events and presiding over important ceremonies. In 2017, he attended the One Planet Summit in Paris, where he was the youngest participant. He also presided over the ceremony awarding the King Mohammed VI Grand Prix for Cavalry in the official show jumping competition in 2019, which showcased his interest in sports and his ability to connect with the people of Morocco.

In recent years, Prince Moulay El Hassan has taken on even more responsibility as a representative of his country. He hosted the national football team at the Royal Palace in Rabat to celebrate their outstanding performance in the 2022 FIFA World Cup, and he presided over important events such as the final of the first edition of the Polo Throne Cup and inaugurating the International Exhibition and Museum of the Sira Annabaouia and Islamic civilization.

His presence at these events highlights his commitment to his country’s cultural heritage and his ability to inspire a new generation of Moroccans. As a symbol of hope and a new era of leadership, Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan’s fluency in multiple languages, dedication to public service, and interest in governance and economic development make him well-suited to lead Morocco into a new era of prosperity and growth.

Moroccans across the country wish Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan all the best for his future and eagerly anticipate the day when he will ascend to the throne and lead Morocco with grace, intelligence, and compassion.


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