Friday, July 5, 2024
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Shiva Ayyadurai, an Indian-origin PhD candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has tweeted billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk with a request for information on how to apply for the CEO position at Twitter. Ayyadurai, who has referred to himself as “the inventor of email,” cited his qualifications in the tweet, including the founding of seven high-tech software companies and the possession of four degrees from MIT. The tweet garnered significant attention, with many Twitter users weighing in on Ayyadurai’s potential as a candidate for the CEO role.

While some praised Ayyadurai’s accomplishments in the tech industry and his credentials from one of the world’s leading technology institutes, others expressed skepticism about his chances of replacing current CEO Jack Dorsey at the helm of the social media giant. Ayyadurai has yet to receive a response from Musk or any official statement from Twitter regarding his candidacy.


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