Monday, July 8, 2024
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Taiwan secured the 14th position among 193 countries and territories globally in terms of wealth in 2023, as revealed by an analysis conducted by Global Finance magazine. The ranking, based on gross domestic product (GDP) per capita adjusted for purchasing power, positions Taiwan among the world’s economic leaders.

According to the latest rankings by the magazine, Ireland claimed the top spot as the richest country globally, followed by Luxembourg, Singapore, Qatar, Macao, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Norway, the United States, and San Marino. Noteworthy contenders ahead of Taiwan included Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong, and Denmark.

The report highlights that the rankings draw on GDP per capita data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), adjusted for inflation rates and the cost of local goods and services in each economy. The resulting figure, known as purchasing power parity, facilitates international comparisons.

Global Finance cautioned that while tax havens, such as Ireland, occupy top positions, the wealth in these countries is often generated elsewhere, potentially inflating their GDP artificially. This phenomenon tends to benefit multinationals more significantly than the average person in these jurisdictions.

The rankings underscore Taiwan’s economic prominence on the global stage, reflecting its robust GDP per capita adjusted for purchasing power. The nuanced economic landscape and the interplay of various factors contribute to Taiwan’s standing among the world’s wealthiest nations.


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