Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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In a concerted effort to bolster Ghana’s agricultural sector, the United States and the European Union (EU) have joined forces to enhance financing opportunities for Ghanaian farmers and agribusinesses. The U.S. Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ghana Ministry of Food and Agriculture are working together to address credit constraints and stimulate economic growth in the agricultural industry. Meanwhile, the EU has granted a €2.5 million funding package to support rural farmers and women in Ghana, providing them with improved access to credit facilities for agricultural production and businesses.

The collaboration between the U.S. Government and Ghana took center stage at the Ghana Agribusiness Investment Summit, where over 400 stakeholders gathered to discuss current challenges and forge new financing partnerships. U.S. Ambassador Virginia Palmer emphasized the potential of Ghanaian farmers, stating, “With better access to financing, Ghanaian farmers could be the breadbasket of West Africa.” The Summit served as a platform for connecting agribusinesses in various sectors with local and international investors, financial institutions, and transaction advisors. By facilitating these connections, the Summit aims to enable agribusinesses to acquire the necessary agricultural inputs and machinery to boost production and foster broad-based economic growth.

The U.S. Government’s commitment to Ghana’s agricultural sector is further exemplified through the Feed the Future Ghana Mobilizing Finance in Agriculture (MFA) Activity. This USAID-supported initiative aims to unlock over $250 million in financing for more than 81,000 enterprises involved in maize, soy, groundnut, cowpea, mango, cashew, and shea value chains by 2024. The activity leverages strategic partnerships and a value chain approach to enable diverse financial institutions to expand their support for farmers and agribusinesses. By enabling transaction advisors to assist agribusinesses in securing loans and investments, MFA empowers enterprises to acquire agricultural inputs, invest in processing, expand production, and scale their operations.

The MFA Activity has made significant strides in facilitating access to finance for Ghanaian agribusinesses since its inception in 2020. From 2020 to 2024, the activity aims to assist 81,493 enterprises in accessing $261 million in finance, projected to generate $500 million in new sales. Notably, MFA has already facilitated over $152 million in financing for approximately 12,600 agribusinesses, with 62% of these enterprises being female-led. The target value chains for MFA include maize, soy, groundnut, cowpea, cashew, mango, shea, and other high-value export crops.

The European Union has complemented the U.S. Government’s efforts by providing a €2.5 million funding injection to support Ghana’s agriculture sector through the EU Ghana Agricultural Programme (EU-GAP). Sinapi Aba Savings & Loans, a non-banking financial institution, will manage this credit facility, specifically targeting rural areas and women. The funds will enable farmers to access credit facilities and finance their agricultural production and businesses within the agricultural value chain. Mrs. Paulina Rozycka, Head of Infrastructure and Sustainable Development at the EU Delegation to Ghana, highlighted the significance of this credit facility, stating, “More farmers will now benefit from small loans to finance agricultural inputs or equipment with technical assistance.”

Ghana’s agricultural sector plays a vital role in the country’s economy, employing over half of the labor force. The country’s climatic diversity allows for the cultivation of a wide range of crops, including yams, grains, cocoa, oil palms, kola nuts, and timber. However, to unlock the full potential of the agricultural sector, access to affordable financing is crucial. The collaboration between the U.S. Government, through USAID’s Feed

the Future program, and the European Union aims to bridge this financing gap and empower Ghanaian farmers and agribusinesses to thrive.

Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto, Ghana’s Minister of Food and Agriculture, stressed the importance of transforming and modernizing the agricultural sector to align with the country’s food security, economic growth, and development goals. He emphasized the need for strong partnerships with the private sector and collaboration with the United States Government, which has long been a development partner for Ghana. This collaboration extends the United States’ short and long-term commitments to Ghana’s agricultural sector.

The recent $2.5 million initiative by the United States to provide affordable fertilizer to 100,000 smallholder farmers is a testament to the country’s dedication to supporting Ghana’s agricultural development. The initiative aims to improve soil fertility, increase crop yields, and enhance the overall productivity of Ghanaian farmers.

The EU’s funding injection of €2.5 million is another significant contribution to Ghana’s agriculture sector under the EU-GAP. Managed by Sinapi Aba Savings & Loans, this credit facility focuses on rural areas and women, providing them with access to credit for agricultural production and businesses. By offering small loans and technical assistance, the EU aims to empower more farmers and enable them to invest in agricultural inputs and equipment, ultimately enhancing their productivity and income.

These initiatives are crucial in unlocking the potential of Ghana’s agricultural sector and promoting sustainable development. By improving access to finance, farmers and agribusinesses can invest in modernizing their operations, adopting innovative technologies, and expanding their reach in domestic and international markets. This, in turn, will contribute to poverty reduction, food security, and overall economic growth in Ghana.

The collective efforts of the U.S. Government, the European Union, and the Ghanaian Ministry of Food and Agriculture are paving the way for a more sustainable, resilient, and prosperous agricultural sector in Ghana. By addressing credit constraints, providing affordable financing options, and fostering partnerships, these collaborations create an enabling environment for farmers and agribusinesses to thrive.

Furthermore, these initiatives prioritize the inclusion of women and rural farmers, recognizing their significant contributions to the agricultural sector. By providing them with enhanced access to credit facilities and technical assistance, the aim is to empower these stakeholders and promote gender equality, ultimately leading to more inclusive and equitable agricultural development.

In conclusion, the partnership between the United States and the European Union in supporting Ghana’s agricultural sector demonstrates a shared commitment to fostering economic growth, food security, and sustainable development. Through initiatives such as the USAID-supported MFA Activity and the EU-GAP, access to finance is being expanded, enabling Ghanaian farmers and agribusinesses to unlock their full potential. These collaborations are instrumental in modernizing the agricultural sector, promoting inclusive development, and positioning Ghana as a regional agricultural powerhouse.


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