Saturday, July 27, 2024
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USAA remains vigilant regarding the possibility of a government shutdown and stands prepared to assist its members should such an event occur. In anticipation of potential impacts on paychecks in March, USAA has announced plans to offer financial aid to affected members.

Eligible members, who are employed by a federal agency facing shutdown and have received a direct deposit into a USAA checking or savings account within 30 days before the start of the shutdown, will have the opportunity to apply for a no-interest loan. This loan will be equivalent to one net paycheck, with a maximum limit of $6,000. Additionally, members may qualify for various payment relief options across USAA’s banking and insurance products, subject to specific criteria.

Given the uncertainty surrounding government funding deadlines and varying impacts on federal agencies, USAA advises federal employees to stay informed through their employing agency. USAA also encourages members to review their financial preparedness plans to ensure readiness for any potential financial challenges.


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