Friday, July 5, 2024
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In a move reflecting the rapid integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily lives, ‘AI’ has been named Collins Word of the Year for 2023. With approximately 77% of global devices already infused with AI technology, the global AI market is set for transformative growth, expected to reach a value of US$190.61 billion by 2025. Looking ahead to 2030, the forecast predicts that AI will contribute a staggering US$15.7 trillion to the world’s GDP.

This surge in AI is set to impact various industries, with the insurance sector finding itself at the epicentre of this transformative wave. As the industry gears up for 2024, the incorporation of AI into corporate strategies is poised to be a crucial step, particularly for those aiming to stay relevant to clients and business partners.

Challenges for the Insurance Industry in 2024

However, despite notable progress, the insurance industry faces challenges in shedding excess costs and embracing innovation beyond product distribution. Regulatory burdens have traditionally dictated a measured approach to change, slowing down innovation. The industry’s reluctance to undergo substantial change contrasts sharply with the rapid pace of advancements in other sectors.

The challenges are multifaceted, encompassing issues such as mastering data for improved risk assessment, streamlining processes, optimizing costs, enhancing customer experience, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Legacy issues, from outdated systems to operational inefficiencies, continue to impede progress. The slow and costly adoption of new technologies and the encroachment of tech-savvy start-ups present both challenges and opportunities for the industry.

Solutions in the Digital Tapestry

Adapting to change at pace becomes the industry’s new frontier, and trusted partners emerge as essential allies. Technology-enabled partners offer a pathway for the industry to integrate the latest technologies without necessitating full-scale enterprise-wide upgrades. From underwriting and policy administration to claims management and AI-powered process automation, these partnerships aim to decrease implementation timeframes and costs.

As the industry looks to harness the power of digital transformation, there’s a growing recognition of the importance of trusted partners. These partners provide high-quality onshore delivery of complex operational work, act as effective gateways to manage offshore support and wrap these efforts with digital enablement.

Growth for the MGA Sector

In this transformative landscape, Managing General Agents (MGAs) have become crucial bridges between established re/insurers and cutting-edge technologies like AI and automation. The MGA sector experiences significant growth, acting as an incubator for innovation. The industry sees a rise in the number of MGAs and levels of gross written premium under management, indicating a thriving environment for innovation.

Insurance at a Crossroads

As the insurance sector heads into 2024, it stands at a crossroads, facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Climate-related perils, the shift to green technologies, and the evolving political and economic environment demand a re-evaluation of underwriting practices and delivery models. Fostering diversity, embracing innovation, and fortifying resilience through change are essential.

In the coming year, the industry anticipates a riveting journey where AI redefines intelligence, data steers decisions, and human innovation shapes the future of re/insurance. The word of the year for 2024? If the industry acts as needed, ‘Adaptability’ will likely feature prominently in the insurance lexicon.


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