Sunday, July 7, 2024
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The United States Freight Brokerage Market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 36% from 2022 to 2030, reaching a value of $13.78 billion. The industry owes its accelerated growth to technological advancements and increased efficiency that ease the way goods are being transferred. According to a comprehensive market research report, the digital freight booking process, which utilizes advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms, enables automatic matching of carriers and loads based on factors such as origin, destination, and price.

Transfix, Uber Freight, Loadsmart, among others, are among the companies employing AI to match carriers and loads. The technology has proved to be a game-changer for the industry, allowing for real-time monitoring and faster delivery times. The report noted that the use of AI-based systems has significantly reduced the traditional means of transportation delays, making the process much more efficient.

The report, which employed primary and secondary research methods, also analyzed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the market through a SWOT analysis. Primary research methods involved interviews with stakeholders, opinion leaders, and industry experts, while secondary research involved analyzing various sources such as corporate websites, financial statements, industry newspapers, and government data.

“The digital freight booking process has revolutionized the industry by providing efficient and effective means of transportation,” noted an industry expert. “The AI-based systems have enabled faster and more reliable transport of goods, which has boosted the acceptability of the service.”

As the freight brokerage market continues to grow, technological advancements are set to play a critical role in shaping its future. Companies that leverage these technologies are poised to gain a competitive advantage in the industry.


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