Friday, July 5, 2024
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The International Labour Organization (ILO) Advances Towards Social Justice and Decent Work: Establishes a Global Coalition for Collective Action

In a landmark decision during its 349th Session in Geneva, Switzerland, the ILO Governing Body has greenlit the creation of a Global Coalition for Social Justice. The Coalition aims to unite governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations, international financial institutions, enterprises, academia, and non-governmental organizations to champion the cause of social justice and decent work worldwide.

Fueled by a deep commitment to fostering multilateral cooperation, the Coalition is set to play a pivotal role in advocating for social justice, leveraging the upcoming UN Summit of the Future in 2024 and the proposed UN World Social Summit in 2025 as critical platforms for advancing its mission.

Under the guidance of the ILO’s Director-General, the Coalition is tasked with amplifying awareness of social justice and mobilizing stakeholders for impactful collaboration. With an emphasis on inclusivity and sustainable development, the Coalition seeks to address key challenges such as access to healthcare, quality education, and improved employment opportunities, ultimately enhancing living standards for workers and their families.

The path ahead for the Global Coalition for Social Justice is not without obstacles, as underscored by the global challenges highlighted at the 111th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) in June. The urgency to prioritize social justice within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was a central theme, emphasizing the critical need for coordinated efforts and collective action.

Despite the uphill battle ahead, the proposed Coalition holds the promise of reshaping the global narrative on social justice and fostering a more equitable and just world. As it embarks on its mission, the voluntary commitment of its diverse participants, including governments and employers, will be instrumental in driving meaningful change and progress.


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