124 OpenAI on Monday announced its latest artificial intelligence large language model, GPT-4o, which promises to make ChatGPT smarter and easier to use. The new model is an update from the previous GPT-4, which launched just over a year ago. GPT-4o will be available to unpaid customers, giving anyone access to OpenAI’s most advanced technology through ChatGPT. Based on the company’s Monday demonstration, GPT-4o will turn ChatGPT into a digital personal assistant capable of engaging in real-time, spoken conversations. It will also interact using text and “vision,” meaning it can view screenshots, photos, documents, or charts uploaded by users and converse about them. “This is the first time that we are really making a huge step forward when it comes to ease of use,” Murati said during the live demo from the company’s San Francisco headquarters. “This interaction becomes much more natural and far, far easier.” The new release comes as OpenAI seeks to stay ahead in the growing AI competition. Rivals like Google and Meta are also developing powerful large language models to power chatbots and integrate AI technology into various products. The OpenAI event came one day ahead of Google’s annual I/O developer conference, where updates to its Gemini AI model are expected. Like the new GPT-4o, Google’s Gemini is multimodal, meaning it can interpret and generate text, images, and audio. OpenAI’s update also precedes anticipated AI announcements from Apple at its Worldwide Developers Conference next month, which may include new ways of incorporating AI into the next iPhone or iOS releases. You Might Be Interested In UK Banks Not Involved in Greece Private Sector Deal, UK Treasury Confirms AT&T Surpasses Expectations with Strong Wireless Subscriber Growth, Shares Up 4.8% Fintech Investments Experience 7-Year Low in Middle East, Europe, and Africa Pacific Life Launches New Indexed Universal Life Insurance Product Standard Chartered Names Sanjay Gurjar as Co-Head of Client Coverage – CCIB, India & South Asia OpenAI Strikes Content Agreement with News Corp to Enhance AI Models